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DataGridPro API

API reference docs for the React DataGridPro component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.



import { DataGridPro } from '@mui/x-data-grid-pro/DataGridPro';
// or
import { DataGridPro } from '@mui/x-data-grid-pro';
// or
import { DataGridPro } from '@mui/x-data-grid-premium';

Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.



Set of columns of type GridColDef[].


The ref object that allows grid manipulation. Can be instantiated with useGridApiRef().

Type:{ current: object }

The label of the Data Grid.


The id of the element containing a label for the Data Grid.



If true, the Data Grid height is dynamic and follows the number of rows in the Data Grid.



If true, the pageSize is calculated according to the container size and the max number of rows to avoid rendering a vertical scroll bar.



If true, columns are autosized after the datagrid is mounted.



The options for autosize when user-initiated.

Type:{ columns?: Array<string>, expand?: bool, includeHeaders?: bool, includeOutliers?: bool, outliersFactor?: number }

Controls the modes of the cells.


If true, the Data Grid will display an extra column with checkboxes for selecting rows.



If true, the "Select All" header checkbox selects only the rows on the current page. To be used in combination with checkboxSelection. It only works if the pagination is enabled.



Override or extend the styles applied to the component.

See CSS classes API below for more details.


The character used to separate cell values when copying to the clipboard.



Column region in pixels to render before/after the viewport



Sets the height in pixels of the column group headers in the Data Grid. Inherits the columnHeaderHeight value if not set.


Sets the height in pixel of the column headers in the Data Grid.



Set the column visibility model of the Data Grid. If defined, the Data Grid will ignore the hide property in GridColDef.


If above 0, the row children will be expanded up to this depth. If equal to -1, all the row children will be expanded.



Set the density of the Data Grid.

| 'compact'
| 'standard'


The row ids to show the detail panel.

| string>

If true, column autosizing on header separator double-click is disabled.



If true, the filtering will only be applied to the top level rows when grouping rows with the treeData prop.



If true, the sorting will only be applied to the top level rows when grouping rows with the treeData prop.



If true, column filters are disabled.



If true, the column menu is disabled.



If true, the column pinning is disabled.



If true, reordering columns is disabled.



If true, resizing columns is disabled.



If true, hiding/showing columns is disabled.



If true, the column sorting feature will be disabled.



If true, the density selector is disabled.



If true, eval() is not used for performance optimization.



If true, filtering with multiple columns is disabled.



If true, the sorting with multiple columns is disabled.



If true, multiple selection using the Ctrl/CMD or Shift key is disabled. The MIT DataGrid will ignore this prop, unless checkboxSelection is enabled.


Default:false (`!props.checkboxSelection` for MIT Data Grid)

If true, the selection on click on a row or cell is disabled.



If true, the virtualization is disabled.



Controls whether to use the cell or row editing.

| 'row'


Use if the actual rowCount is not known upfront, but an estimation is available. If some rows have children (for instance in the tree data), this number represents the amount of top level rows. Applicable only with paginationMode="server" and when rowCount="-1"


Unstable features, breaking changes might be introduced. For each feature, if the flag is not explicitly set to true, the feature will be fully disabled and any property / method call will not have any effect.

Type:{ warnIfFocusStateIsNotSynced?: bool }

The milliseconds delay to wait after a keystroke before triggering filtering.



Filtering can be processed on the server or client-side. Set it to 'server' if you would like to handle filtering on the server-side.

| 'server'


Set the filter model of the Data Grid.

Type:{ items: Array<{ field: string, id?: number
| string, operator: string, value?: any }>, logicOperator?: 'and'
| 'or', quickFilterExcludeHiddenColumns?: bool, quickFilterLogicOperator?: 'and'
| 'or', quickFilterValues?: array }

Function that applies CSS classes dynamically on cells.


function(params: GridCellParams) => string

Returns: The CSS class to apply to the cell.

Function that returns the element to render in row detail.


function(params: GridRowParams) => React.JSX.Element

Returns: The row detail element.

Function that returns the height of the row detail panel.


Default:"() => 500"

function(params: GridRowParams) => number | string

Returns: The height in pixels or "auto" to use the content height.

Function that returns the estimated height for a row. Only works if dynamic row height is used. Once the row height is measured this value is discarded.


function(params: GridRowHeightParams) => number | null
  • params With all properties from GridRowHeightParams.

Returns: The estimated row height value. If null or undefined then the default row height, based on the density, is applied.

Function that applies CSS classes dynamically on rows.


function(params: GridRowClassNameParams) => string

Returns: The CSS class to apply to the row.

Function that sets the row height per row.


function(params: GridRowHeightParams) => GridRowHeightReturnValue
  • params With all properties from GridRowHeightParams.

Returns: The row height value. If null or undefined then the default row height is applied. If "auto" then the row height is calculated based on the content.

Return the id of a given GridRowModel.


Function that allows to specify the spacing between rows.


function(params: GridRowSpacingParams) => GridRowSpacing

Returns: The row spacing values.

Determines the path of a row in the tree data. For instance, a row with the path ["A", "B"] is the child of the row with the path ["A"]. Note that all paths must contain at least one element.


function(row: R) => Array
  • row The row from which we want the path.

Returns: The path to the row.

The grouping column used by the tree data.

| object

Override the height of the header filters.


If true, the header filters feature is enabled.



If true, the footer component is hidden.



If true, the pagination component in the footer is hidden.



If true, the row count in the footer is hidden. It has no effect if the pagination is enabled.



If true, the selected row count in the footer is hidden.



If true, the diacritics (accents) are ignored when filtering or quick filtering. E.g. when filter value is cafe, the rows with café will be visible.



If true, the Data Grid will not use valueFormatter when exporting to CSV or copying to clipboard. If an object is provided, you can choose to ignore the valueFormatter for CSV export or clipboard export.

Type:{ clipboardExport?: bool, csvExport?: bool }
| bool


If select, a group header checkbox in indeterminate state (like "Select All" checkbox) will select all the rows under it. If deselect, it will deselect all the rows under it. Works only if checkboxSelection is enabled.

| 'select'


The initial state of the DataGridPro. The data in it will be set in the state on initialization but will not be controlled. If one of the data in initialState is also being controlled, then the control state wins.


Callback fired when a cell is rendered, returns true if the cell is editable.


function(params: GridCellParams) => boolean

Returns: A boolean indicating if the cell is editable.

Determines if a group should be expanded after its creation. This prop takes priority over the defaultGroupingExpansionDepth prop.


function(node: GridGroupNode) => boolean
  • node The node of the group to test.

Returns: A boolean indicating if the group is expanded.

Determines if a row can be selected.


function(params: GridRowParams) => boolean

Returns: A boolean indicating if the row is selectable.

If true, moving the mouse pointer outside the grid before releasing the mouse button in a column re-order action will not cause the column to jump back to its original position.



If true, the selection model will retain selected rows that do not exist. Useful when using server side pagination and row selections need to be retained when changing pages.



If true, a loading overlay is displayed.



Set the locale text of the Data Grid. You can find all the translation keys supported in the source in the GitHub repository.


Pass a custom logger in the components that implements the Logger interface.

Type:{ debug: func, error: func, info: func, warn: func }


Allows to pass the logging level or false to turn off logging.

| 'error'
| 'info'
| 'warn'
| false

Default:"error" ("warn" in dev mode)

Nonce of the inline styles for Content Security Policy.


Callback fired when any cell is clicked.


function(params: GridCellParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridCellParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when a double click event comes from a cell element.


function(params: GridCellParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridCellParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the cell turns to edit mode.


function(params: GridCellParams, event: MuiEvent) => void
  • params With all properties from GridCellParams.
  • event The event that caused this prop to be called.

Callback fired when the cell turns to view mode.


function(params: GridCellParams, event: MuiEvent) => void
  • params With all properties from GridCellParams.
  • event The event that caused this prop to be called.

Callback fired when a keydown event comes from a cell element.


function(params: GridCellParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridCellParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the cellModesModel prop changes.


function(cellModesModel: GridCellModesModel, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • cellModesModel Object containing which cells are in "edit" mode.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback called when the data is copied to the clipboard.


function(data: string) => void
  • data The data copied to the clipboard.

Callback fired when a click event comes from a column header element.


function(params: GridColumnHeaderParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridColumnHeaderParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when a contextmenu event comes from a column header element.


function(params: GridColumnHeaderParams, event: MuiEvent) => void
  • params With all properties from GridColumnHeaderParams.
  • event The event object.

Callback fired when a double click event comes from a column header element.


function(params: GridColumnHeaderParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridColumnHeaderParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when a mouse enter event comes from a column header element.


function(params: GridColumnHeaderParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridColumnHeaderParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when a mouse leave event comes from a column header element.


function(params: GridColumnHeaderParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridColumnHeaderParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when a mouseout event comes from a column header element.


function(params: GridColumnHeaderParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridColumnHeaderParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when a mouseover event comes from a column header element.


function(params: GridColumnHeaderParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridColumnHeaderParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when a column is reordered.


function(params: GridColumnOrderChangeParams, event: MuiEvent<{}>, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridColumnOrderChangeParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired while a column is being resized.


function(params: GridColumnResizeParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridColumnResizeParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the column visibility model changes.


function(model: GridColumnVisibilityModel, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • model The new model.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the width of a column is changed.


function(params: GridColumnResizeParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridColumnResizeParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the density changes.


function(density: GridDensity) => void
  • density New density value.

Callback fired when the detail panel of a row is opened or closed.


function(ids: Array, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • ids The ids of the rows which have the detail panel open.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when rowCount is set and the next batch of virtualized rows is rendered.


function(params: GridFetchRowsParams, event: MuiEvent<{}>, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridFetchRowsParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the Filter model changes before the filters are applied.


function(model: GridFilterModel, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • model With all properties from GridFilterModel.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the menu is closed.


function(params: GridMenuParams, event: MuiEvent<{}>, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridMenuParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the menu is opened.


function(params: GridMenuParams, event: MuiEvent<{}>, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridMenuParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the pagination meta has changed.


function(paginationMeta: GridPaginationMeta) => void
  • paginationMeta Updated pagination meta.

Callback fired when the pagination model has changed.


function(model: GridPaginationModel, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • model Updated pagination model.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the pinned columns have changed.


function(pinnedColumns: GridPinnedColumnFields, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • pinnedColumns The changed pinned columns.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the preferences panel is closed.


function(params: GridPreferencePanelParams, event: MuiEvent<{}>, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridPreferencePanelParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the preferences panel is opened.


function(params: GridPreferencePanelParams, event: MuiEvent<{}>, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridPreferencePanelParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback called when processRowUpdate throws an error or rejects.


function(error: any) => void
  • error The error thrown.

Callback fired when the Data Grid is resized.


function(containerSize: ElementSize, event: MuiEvent<{}>, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • containerSize With all properties from ElementSize.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when a row is clicked. Not called if the target clicked is an interactive element added by the built-in columns.


function(params: GridRowParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridRowParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the row count has changed.


function(count: number) => void
  • count Updated row count.

Callback fired when a double click event comes from a row container element.


function(params: GridRowParams, event: MuiEvent, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from RowParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the row turns to edit mode.


function(params: GridRowParams, event: MuiEvent) => void
  • params With all properties from GridRowParams.
  • event The event that caused this prop to be called.

Callback fired when the row turns to view mode.


function(params: GridRowParams, event: MuiEvent) => void
  • params With all properties from GridRowParams.
  • event The event that caused this prop to be called.

Callback fired when the rowModesModel prop changes.


function(rowModesModel: GridRowModesModel, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • rowModesModel Object containing which rows are in "edit" mode.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when a row is being reordered.


function(params: GridRowOrderChangeParams, event: MuiEvent<{}>, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridRowOrderChangeParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the selection state of one or multiple rows changes.


function(rowSelectionModel: GridRowSelectionModel, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • rowSelectionModel With all the row ids GridSelectionModel.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when scrolling to the bottom of the grid viewport.


function(params: GridRowScrollEndParams, event: MuiEvent<{}>, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • params With all properties from GridRowScrollEndParams.
  • event The event object.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Callback fired when the sort model changes before a column is sorted.


function(model: GridSortModel, details: GridCallbackDetails) => void
  • model With all properties from GridSortModel.
  • details Additional details for this callback.

Select the pageSize dynamically using the component UI.

| { label: string, value: number }>

Default:[25, 50, 100]

If true, pagination is enabled.



The extra information about the pagination state of the Data Grid. Only applicable with paginationMode="server".

Type:{ hasNextPage?: bool }

Pagination can be processed on the server or client-side. Set it to 'client' if you would like to handle the pagination on the client-side. Set it to 'server' if you would like to handle the pagination on the server-side.

| 'server'


The pagination model of type GridPaginationModel which refers to current page and pageSize.

Type:{ page: number, pageSize: number }

The column fields to display pinned to left or right.


Rows data to pin on top or bottom.

Type:{ bottom?: Array<object>, top?: Array<object> }

Callback called before updating a row with new values in the row and cell editing.


function(newRow: R, oldRow: R, params: { rowId: GridRowId }) => Promise | R
  • newRow Row object with the new values.
  • oldRow Row object with the old values.
  • params Additional parameters.

Returns: The final values to update the row.

The milliseconds throttle delay for resizing the grid.



Row region in pixels to render before/after the viewport



Set the total number of rows, if it is different from the length of the value rows prop. If some rows have children (for instance in the tree data), this number represents the amount of top level rows. Only works with paginationMode="server", ignored when paginationMode="client".


Sets the height in pixel of a row in the Data Grid.



Controls the modes of the rows.



The milliseconds delay to wait after measuring the row height before recalculating row positions. Setting it to a lower value could be useful when using dynamic row height, but might reduce performance when displaying a large number of rows.



If true, the reordering of rows is enabled.



Set of rows of type GridRowsProp.



If false, the row selection mode is disabled.



Sets the row selection model of the Data Grid.

| string>
| number
| string

When rowSelectionPropagation.descendants is set to true. - Selecting a parent selects all its filtered descendants automatically. - Deselecting a parent row deselects all its filtered descendants automatically.
When rowSelectionPropagation.parents is set to true - Selecting all the filtered descendants of a parent selects the parent automatically. - Deselecting a descendant of a selected parent deselects the parent automatically.
Works with tree data and row grouping on the client-side only.

Type:{ descendants?: bool, parents?: bool }

Default:{ parents: false, descendants: false }

Loading rows can be processed on the server or client-side. Set it to 'client' if you would like enable infnite loading. Set it to 'server' if you would like to enable lazy loading. * @default "client"

| 'server'

Sets the type of space between rows added by getRowSpacing.

| 'margin'


Override the height/width of the Data Grid inner scrollbar.


Set the area in px at the bottom of the grid viewport where onRowsScrollEnd is called.



If true, vertical borders will be displayed between cells.



If true, vertical borders will be displayed between column header items.



Overridable components props dynamically passed to the component at rendering.


Overridable components.

See Slots API below for more details.


Sorting can be processed on the server or client-side. Set it to 'client' if you would like to handle sorting on the client-side. Set it to 'server' if you would like to handle sorting on the server-side.

| 'server'


The order of the sorting sequence.

| 'desc'>

Default:['asc', 'desc', null]

Set the sort model of the Data Grid.

Type:Array<{ field: string, sort?: 'asc'
| 'desc' }>

The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles.

See the `sx` page for more details.

| object
| bool>
| func
| object

If positive, the Data Grid will throttle updates coming from apiRef.current.updateRows and apiRef.current.setRows. It can be useful if you have a high update rate but do not want to do heavy work like filtering / sorting or rendering on each individual update.



If true, the rows will be gathered in a tree structure according to the getTreeDataPath prop.



Definition of the column rendered when the unstable_listView prop is enabled.

Type:{ align?: 'center'
| 'left'
| 'right', cellClassName?: func
| string, display?: 'flex'
| 'text', field: string, renderCell?: func }

If true, displays the data in a list view. Use in combination with unstable_listColumn.


If true, the Data Grid will auto span the cells over the rows having the same value.



The ref is forwarded to the root element.


Component responsible for showing menu adornment in Header filter row

Default component: GridHeaderFilterCell

Component responsible for showing menu in Header filter row

Default component: GridHeaderFilterMenu

The custom Chip component used in the grid.

Default component: Chip

Component rendered for each cell.

Class name: .MuiDataGridPro-cell

Default component: GridCell

Component rendered for each skeleton cell.

Default component: GridSkeletonCell

Filter icon component rendered in each column header.

Default component: GridColumnHeaderFilterIconButton

Sort icon component rendered in each column header.

Default component: GridColumnHeaderSortIcon

Column menu component rendered by clicking on the 3 dots "kebab" icon in column headers.

Default component: GridColumnMenu

Component responsible for rendering the column headers.

Class name: .MuiDataGridPro-columnHeaders

Default component: GridColumnHeaders

Component responsible for rendering the detail panels.

Class name: .MuiDataGridPro-detailPanels

Default component: GridDetailPanels

Footer component rendered at the bottom of the grid viewport.

Default component: GridFooter

Row count component rendered in the footer

Default component: GridRowCount

Toolbar component rendered inside the Header component.

Default component: null

Loading overlay component rendered when the grid is in a loading state.

Default component: GridLoadingOverlay

No results overlay component rendered when the grid has no results after filtering.

Default component: GridNoResultsOverlay

No rows overlay component rendered when the grid has no rows.

Default component: GridNoRowsOverlay

Pagination component rendered in the grid footer by default.

Default component: Pagination

Filter panel component rendered when clicking the filter button.

Default component: GridFilterPanel

GridColumns panel component rendered when clicking the columns button.

Default component: GridColumnsPanel

Component used inside Grid Columns panel to manage columns.

Class name: .MuiDataGridPro-columnsManagement

Default component: GridColumnsManagement

Panel component wrapping the filters and columns panels.

Class name: .MuiDataGridPro-panel

Default component: GridPanel

Component rendered for each row.

Class name: .MuiDataGridPro-row

Default component: GridRow

The custom Badge component used in the grid for both header and cells.

Default component: Badge

The custom Checkbox component used in the grid for both header and cells.

Default component: Checkbox

The custom Divider component used in the grid.

Default component: Divider

The custom InputAdornment component used in the grid.

Default component: InputAdornment

The custom TextField component used in the grid.

Default component: TextField

The custom FormControl component used in the grid.

Default component: FormControl

The custom Select component used in the grid.

Default component: Select

The custom Button component used in the grid.

Default component: Button

The custom IconButton component used in the grid.

Default component: IconButton

The custom Tooltip component used in the grid.

Default component: Tooltip

The custom Popper component used in the grid.

Default component: Popper

The custom InputLabel component used in the grid.

Default component: InputLabel

The custom SelectOption component used in the grid.

Default component: MenuItem

Icon displayed on the boolean cell to represent the true value.

Default component: GridCheckIcon

Icon displayed on the boolean cell to represent the false value.

Default component: GridCloseIcon

Icon displayed on the side of the column header title to display the filter input component.

Default component: GridTripleDotsVerticalIcon

Icon displayed on the open filter button present in the toolbar by default.

Default component: GridFilterListIcon

Icon displayed on the column header menu to show that a filter has been applied to the column.

Default component: GridFilterAltIcon

Icon displayed on the column menu selector tab.

Default component: GridColumnIcon

Icon displayed on the side of the column header title when unsorted.

Default component: GridColumnUnsortedIcon

Icon displayed on the side of the column header title when sorted in ascending order.

Default component: GridArrowUpwardIcon

Icon displayed on the side of the column header title when sorted in descending order.

Default component: GridArrowDownwardIcon

Icon displayed in between two column headers that allows to resize the column header.

Default component: GridSeparatorIcon

Icon displayed on the compact density option in the toolbar.

Default component: GridViewHeadlineIcon

Icon displayed on the standard density option in the toolbar.

Default component: GridTableRowsIcon

Icon displayed on the "comfortable" density option in the toolbar.

Default component: GridViewStreamIcon

Icon displayed on the open export button present in the toolbar by default.

Default component: GridSaveAltIcon

Icon displayed on the actions column type to open the menu.

Default component: GridMoreVertIcon

Icon displayed on the tree data toggling column when the children are collapsed

Default component: GridKeyboardArrowRight

Icon displayed on the tree data toggling column when the children are expanded

Default component: GridExpandMoreIcon

Icon displayed on the grouping column when the children are collapsed

Default component: GridKeyboardArrowRight

Icon displayed on the grouping column when the children are expanded

Default component: GridExpandMoreIcon

Icon displayed on the detail panel toggle column when collapsed.

Default component: GridAddIcon

Icon displayed on the detail panel toggle column when expanded.

Default component: GridRemoveIcon

Icon displayed for deleting the filter from filter panel.

Default component: GridAddIcon

Icon displayed for deleting the filter from filter panel.

Default component: GridDeleteIcon

Icon displayed for deleting all the active filters from filter panel.

Default component: GridDeleteForeverIcon

Icon displayed on the reorder column type to reorder a row.

Default component: GridDragIcon

Icon displayed on the quick filter input.

Default component: GridSearchIcon

Icon displayed on the quick filter reset input.

Default component: GridCloseIcon

Icon displayed in column menu for hiding column

Default component: GridVisibilityOffIcon

Icon displayed in column menu for ascending sort

Default component: GridArrowUpwardIcon

Icon displayed in column menu for descending sort

Default component: GridArrowDownwardIcon

Icon displayed in column menu for filter

Default component: GridFilterAltIcon

Icon displayed in column menu for showing all columns

Default component: GridViewColumnIcon

Icon displayed in column menu for clearing values

Default component: GridClearIcon

Icon displayed on the input while processing.

Default component: GridLoadIcon

Icon displayed on the column reorder button.

Default component: GridDragIcon

Icon displayed in column menu for left pinning

Default component: GridPushPinLeftIcon

Icon displayed in column menu for right pinning

Default component: GridPushPinRightIcon

CSS classes

These class names are useful for styling with CSS. They are applied to the component's slots when specific states are triggered.

Styles applied to the root element of the cell with type="actions".

Rule name:actionsCell

Styles applied to the root element of the column header when aggregated.

Rule name:aggregationColumnHeader

Styles applied to the root element of the header when aggregation if headerAlign="center".

Rule name:aggregationColumnHeader--alignCenter

Styles applied to the root element of the header when aggregation if headerAlign="left".

Rule name:aggregationColumnHeader--alignLeft

Styles applied to the root element of the header when aggregation if headerAlign="right".

Rule name:aggregationColumnHeader--alignRight

Styles applied to the aggregation label in the column header when aggregated.

Rule name:aggregationColumnHeaderLabel

Styles applied to the root element if autoHeight={true}.

Rule name:autoHeight

Styles applied to the root element while it is being autosized.

Rule name:autosizing

Styles applied to the icon of the boolean cell.

Rule name:booleanCell

Styles applied to the cell element if the cell is editable.

Rule name:cell--editable

Styles applied to the cell element if the cell is in edit mode.

Rule name:cell--editing

Styles applied to the cell element in flex display mode.

Rule name:cell--flex

Styles applied to the cell element if it is pinned to the left.

Rule name:cell--pinnedLeft

Styles applied to the cell element if it is pinned to the right.

Rule name:cell--pinnedRight

Styles applied to the cell element if it is at the bottom edge of a cell selection range.

Rule name:cell--rangeBottom

Styles applied to the cell element if it is at the left edge of a cell selection range.

Rule name:cell--rangeLeft

Styles applied to the cell element if it is at the right edge of a cell selection range.

Rule name:cell--rangeRight

Styles applied to the cell element if it is at the top edge of a cell selection range.

Rule name:cell--rangeTop

Styles applied to the cell element if it is in a cell selection range.

Rule name:cell--selectionMode

Styles applied to the cell element if align="center".

Rule name:cell--textCenter

Styles applied to the cell element if align="left".

Rule name:cell--textLeft

Styles applied to the cell element if align="right".

Rule name:cell--textRight

Styles applied the cell if showColumnVerticalBorder={true}.

Rule name:cell--withLeftBorder

Styles applied the cell if showColumnVerticalBorder={true}.

Rule name:cell--withRightBorder

Styles applied to the cell checkbox element.

Rule name:cellCheckbox

Styles applied to the empty cell element.

Rule name:cellEmpty

Styles applied to the skeleton cell element.

Rule name:cellSkeleton

Styles applied to the selection checkbox element.

Rule name:checkboxInput

Styles applied to the column header element.

Rule name:columnHeader

Styles applied to the column header if headerAlign="center".

Rule name:columnHeader--alignCenter

Styles applied to the column header if headerAlign="left".

Rule name:columnHeader--alignLeft

Styles applied to the column header if headerAlign="right".

Rule name:columnHeader--alignRight

Styles applied to the floating column header element when it is dragged.

Rule name:columnHeader--dragging

Styles applied to the empty column group header cell.

Rule name:columnHeader--emptyGroup

Styles applied to the column group header cell if not empty.

Rule name:columnHeader--filledGroup

Styles applied to the column header if the column has a filter applied to it.

Rule name:columnHeader--filtered

Styles applied to the last column header element.

Rule name:columnHeader--last

Styles applied to the column header if it is being dragged.

Rule name:columnHeader--moving

Styles applied to the column header if the type of the column is number.

Rule name:columnHeader--numeric

Rule name:columnHeader--pinnedLeft

Rule name:columnHeader--pinnedRight

Styles applied to the column header if the column is sortable.

Rule name:columnHeader--sortable

Styles applied to the column header if the column is sorted.

Rule name:columnHeader--sorted

Rule name:columnHeader--withLeftBorder

Styles applied the column header if showColumnVerticalBorder={true}.

Rule name:columnHeader--withRightBorder

Styles applied to the header checkbox cell element.

Rule name:columnHeaderCheckbox

Styles applied to the column header's draggable container element.

Rule name:columnHeaderDraggableContainer

Styles applied to the column header's title element;

Rule name:columnHeaderTitle

Styles applied to the column header's title container element.

Rule name:columnHeaderTitleContainer

Styles applied to the column header's title excepted buttons.

Rule name:columnHeaderTitleContainerContent

Styles applied to the column header separator element.

Rule name:columnSeparator

Styles applied to the column header separator if the column is resizable.

Rule name:columnSeparator--resizable

Styles applied to the column header separator if the column is being resized.

Rule name:columnSeparator--resizing

Styles applied to the column header separator if the side is "left".

Rule name:columnSeparator--sideLeft

Styles applied to the column header separator if the side is "right".

Rule name:columnSeparator--sideRight

Styles applied to the columns management footer element.

Rule name:columnsManagementFooter

Styles applied to the columns management header element.

Rule name:columnsManagementHeader

Styles applied to the columns management row element.

Rule name:columnsManagementRow

Styles applied to the bottom container.

Rule name:container--bottom

Styles applied to the top container.

Rule name:container--top

Styles applied to the detail panel element.

Rule name:detailPanel

Styles applied to the detail panel toggle cell element.

Rule name:detailPanelToggleCell

Styles applied to the detail panel toggle cell element if expanded.

Rule name:detailPanelToggleCell--expanded

Styles applied to root of the boolean edit component.

Rule name:editBooleanCell

Styles applied to the root of the input component.

Rule name:editInputCell

Styles applied to the root of the filter form component.

Rule name:filterForm

Styles applied to the column input of the filter form component.

Rule name:filterFormColumnInput

Styles applied to the delete icon of the filter form component.

Rule name:filterFormDeleteIcon

Styles applied to the link operator input of the filter form component.

Rule name:filterFormLogicOperatorInput

Styles applied to the operator input of the filter form component.

Rule name:filterFormOperatorInput

Styles applied to the value input of the filter form component.

Rule name:filterFormValueInput

Styles applied to the filter icon element.

Rule name:filterIcon

Styles applied to the root element of the cell inside a footer row.

Rule name:footerCell

Styles applied to the footer container element.

Rule name:footerContainer

Styles applied to the root element of the grouping criteria cell

Rule name:groupingCriteriaCell

Styles applied to the toggle of the grouping criteria cell

Rule name:groupingCriteriaCellToggle

Styles applied to the column header filter row.

Rule name:headerFilterRow

Styles applied to the column header icon's container.

Rule name:iconButtonContainer

Styles applied to the column header separator icon element.

Rule name:iconSeparator

Styles applied to the main container element.

Rule name:main

Styles applied to the main container element when it has right pinned columns.

Rule name:main--hasPinnedRight

Styles applied to the menu element.

Rule name:menu

Styles applied to the menu icon element.

Rule name:menuIcon

Styles applied to the menu icon button element.

Rule name:menuIconButton

Styles applied to the menu list element.

Rule name:menuList

Styles applied to the menu icon element if the menu is open.

Rule name:menuOpen

Styles applied to the overlay element.

Rule name:overlay

Styles applied to the overlay wrapper element.

Rule name:overlayWrapper

Styles applied to the overlay wrapper inner element.

Rule name:overlayWrapperInner

Styles applied to the panel content element.

Rule name:panelContent

Styles applied to the panel footer element.

Rule name:panelFooter

Styles applied to the panel header element.

Rule name:panelHeader

Styles applied to the panel wrapper element.

Rule name:panelWrapper

Styles applied to the paper element.

Rule name:paper

Styles applied to the pinned columns.

Rule name:pinnedColumns

Styles applied to the pinned rows container.

Rule name:pinnedRows

Styles applied to the bottom pinned rows container.

Rule name:pinnedRows--bottom

Styles applied to the top pinned rows container.

Rule name:pinnedRows--top

Styles applied to pinned rows render zones.

Rule name:pinnedRowsRenderZone

Styles applied to the root element.

Rule name:root

Styles applied to the root element if density is "comfortable".

Rule name:root--densityComfortable

Styles applied to the root element if density is "compact".

Rule name:root--densityCompact

Styles applied to the root element if density is "standard" (default).

Rule name:root--densityStandard

Styles applied to the root element when user selection is disabled.

Rule name:root--disableUserSelection

Styles applied to the row if its detail panel is open.

Rule name:row--detailPanelExpanded

Styles applied to the floating special row reorder cell element when it is dragged.

Rule name:row--dragging

Styles applied to the row if it has dynamic row height.

Rule name:row--dynamicHeight

Styles applied to the row element if the row is editable.

Rule name:row--editable

Styles applied to the row element if the row is in edit mode.

Rule name:row--editing

Styles applied to the first visible row element on every page of the grid.

Rule name:row--firstVisible

Styles applied to the last visible row element on every page of the grid.

Rule name:row--lastVisible

Styles applied to the footer row count element to show the total number of rows. Only works when pagination is disabled.

Rule name:rowCount

Styles applied to the root element of the row reorder cell

Rule name:rowReorderCell

Styles applied to the root element of the row reorder cell when dragging is allowed

Rule name:rowReorderCell--draggable

Styles applied to the row reorder cell container element.

Rule name:rowReorderCellContainer

Styles applied to the row's draggable placeholder element inside the special row reorder cell.

Rule name:rowReorderCellPlaceholder

Styles applied to the skeleton row element.

Rule name:rowSkeleton

Styles applied to both scroll area elements.

Rule name:scrollArea

Styles applied to the left scroll area element.

Rule name:scrollArea--left

Styles applied to the right scroll area element.

Rule name:scrollArea--right

Styles applied to the scrollbars.

Rule name:scrollbar

Styles applied to the horizontal scrollbar.

Rule name:scrollbar--horizontal

Styles applied to the horizontal scrollbar.

Rule name:scrollbar--vertical

Styles applied to the footer selected row count element.

Rule name:selectedRowCount

Styles applied to the sort icon element.

Rule name:sortIcon

Styles applied to the toolbar container element.

Rule name:toolbarContainer

Styles applied to the toolbar filter list element.

Rule name:toolbarFilterList

Styles applied to the root of the grouping column of the tree data.

Rule name:treeDataGroupingCell

Styles applied to the toggle of the grouping cell of the tree data.

Rule name:treeDataGroupingCellToggle

Styles applied to the virtualization container.

Rule name:virtualScroller

Styles applied to the virtualization content.

Rule name:virtualScrollerContent

Styles applied to the virtualization content when its height is bigger than the virtualization container.

Rule name:virtualScrollerContent--overflowed

Styles applied to the virtualization render zone.

Rule name:virtualScrollerRenderZone

Styles applied to cells, column header and other elements that have border. Sets border color only.

Rule name:withBorderColor

Styles applied the grid if showColumnVerticalBorder={true}.

Rule name:withVerticalBorder

You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options:

Source code

If you did not find the information in this page, consider having a look at the implementation of the component for more detail.